
FunnelFlux Pro does NOT provide you with custom domains to use for tracking.

We require you to use your own domains, and it is best if these are managed in Cloudflare so that you can use them with our system for free.

Why don't you provide me with a free domain?

  • Doing so means that we are liable for what you do with that domain. If you run campaigns that cause complaints, those come to us and can risk shutdown of our DNS accounts, then impacting all users. No thanks.
  • Likewise, you then have some random domain you are using that is potentially impacted by the activities of others.
  • Domains are cheap, they should never be a blocker.
  • If you use your own domain, it lets you use domain.com for landing pages and sub.domain.com for tracking. This is the ideal scenario.

Do I have to use Cloudflare?

  • No, but we would highly recommend it, as it's the best free DNS service you're ever likely to get